Third International Conference on
Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO-2004)
26-28 October 2004, IHMC, Pensacola, Florida, USA

The KSCO-2004 conference will bring together practitioners and key decision makers in coalition operation management together with researchers from areas of knowledge representation and reasoning, planning and multi-agent systems in order to exchange experience and ideas, share inspiration and suggest novel concepts. Practitioners will benefit from meeting each other and from learning possibilities of research achievements while researchers will get inspiration from each other and potential end users of their ideas.

Conference Flyer


KSCO - Knowledge Systems For Coalition Operations is an international working group exploring research in Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations. Biennially, KSCO organizes a technical conference where practitioners and key decision makers in coalition operations management meet and discuss with researchers from areas of knowledge-based systems, planning and multi-agent systems, exchange experience and ideas, share inspiration and suggest novel concepts. It can also lead to joint project proposals.

After very successful events in Edinburgh, UK and Toulouse, France the KSCO conference in 2004 will be organized at IHMC, Pensacola, Florida.

KSCO 2004 welcomes submission of original research papers from the areas of knowledge-based systems, coalition formation and multi-agent systems related to coalition operations management. We will review theoretical, experimental, methodological papers as well as case studies, prototype evaluations and application reports. KSCO organizers particularly encourage submission of reports presenting larger coalition related national and international project and programmes.

Participation will be by invitation of the organizing committee and there will be a limited number of attendees to encourage a productive exchange of ideas between those involved.



Interested authors shall submit either long (up to 16 pages in the proceedings) or short (approx. 4 pages in the proceedings) papers describing the work on knowledge systems for coalition operations. Short papers are particularly suitable for project/programmes introduction, descriptions of demonstrations and prototypes.

The IEEE Intelligent Systems editorial board has agreed to consider the best KSCO-2004 papers for publication. The KSCO programme committee will invite the authors of the best papers to submit them to the full review process of IEEE Intelligent Systems.

Formating instructions and templates (MS Word and LaTEX formats) are available here.

Please, submit the paper (either short or full) by April 30, 2004 to ksco2004@labe.felk.cvut.cz




Suggested topics to be discussed include but are not limited to: All resources made available here are unrestricted, but are copyright of the individual authors or organizations involved. Those authors or organizations assert copyright over these materials, even in cases where an explicit copyright notice is not included in the file provided. Please do not make copies or use the material except for the purposes of this workshop without the express written content of the copyright owner.

Supported by
The Technical Cooperation Prorgram (TTCP) C3I AG1
European Office of Aerospace Research and Development
(Air Force Office of Scientific Research, United States Air Force Research Laboratory)
Ofice of Naval Research Global
IEEE Intelligent Systems

Coalition Home Page | KSCO Home Page
AIAI Page maintained by Austin Tate <a.tate@ed.ac.uk>, Last updated: Tue Aug 31 15:36:14 2004
KSCO logo by Toni VanBuskirk <vbdesigns@earthlink.net> courtesy of IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine.
Please make contact if you have any questions or comments on these pages or the Conference.